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Investment Advisory Services

Boro Capital's investment advisory services are an integral component of our overall goals driven approach to advising our clients. We seek to provide you with returns that are consistent, competitive and in-line with your objectives. Clients typically are exposed to a level of risk that they need to take in order to meet their personal objectives and we limit risk by focusing on broad diversification and a disciplined approach.

Boro Capital Management (BCM) works with every client to build an Investment Policy Statement. The Investment Policy Statement (IPS) is a written plan that we create together, to help guide your long-term investment goals. A written investment policy allows you to clearly establish your investment time horizon and goals, your tolerance for risk and the prudence and diversification standards that you want the investment process to maintain. A written investment policy also allows us and you to avoid ad hoc decisions based on short-term market conditions.

The following components are key to our investment philosophy:

Asset Allocation
Our philosophy is based on modern portfolio theory and asset allocation. Modern portfolio theory, which won a Nobel prize in economics for Harry Markowitz in 1990, demonstrates that there is a relationship between risk and return and when non-correlating assets are added to a portfolio, a higher portfolio risk-adjusted return is attained. Asset allocation identifies three areas of return: asset allocation, security selection and timing. The asset allocation decision is shown to be the most important variable in market returns. As a result of this theory, we concentrate efforts on the total portfolio composition and how assets are allocated throughout the various financial sectors.

Controlling Cost
We believe the cost to invest is critical in portfolio construction. Portfolios are constructed to represent the asset classes and markets we target at the least expensive cost.

Managing Risk
We pay particular attention to managing risk in portfolios. The three main areas that we focus on are volatility, downside risk and broad exposure. We measure these on a macro level for all of our client portfolios. As we re-balance portfolios, consideration is given to how certain financial sectors will affect the overall performance of the portfolio and day-to-day volatility.

Impact of Taxes
We construct portfolios to minimize the impact of taxes. We consider the differences between types of accounts that a client may hold: taxable, tax-deferred retirement vehicle, trusts and not-for-profit foundations. Each of these accounts may have differing tax considerations so it is important that a comprehensive tax strategy exists across all accounts.

Individually Designed Portfolios
We construct a portfolio unique to your individual needs, rather than stick to a one size fits all mentality. We work with each client to build an Investment Policy Statement where your tolerance of risk, your return expectations and time frames for managing the portfolio are all conscientiously considered. We will pursue a diversified portfolio utilizing institutional mutual funds, individual stocks and bonds.

A trusted investment advisor can be an invaluable asset in preserving and enhancing life’s hard won gains.


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